ISE (formerly Industrial Engineer) Magazine FAQs

How do I access ISE?

It's as easy as becoming a member of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers. ISE is the official member magazine of IISE and one of the many benefits of membership in the professional association. An award-winning monthly magazine, ISE is accessible by members online and as a digital flipbook with zoom, download and more options. Click here to join. Questions? Contact IISE Member and Customer Support, (800) 494-0460, (770) 349-1102. Subscriptions for institutions and agencies are available – contact to subscribe: $24 per issue, one year $288, two years $518, three years $778.

How can I get a back issue of ISE (formerly Industrial Engineer and IIE Solutions)?

Back print issues (through July 2023 only) can be purchased for $11 plus shipping and handling per issue. To order, contact IISE Member and Customer Support, (800) 494-0460, (770) 349-1102.

Where do I send updated contact information?

Update your member record online and the change will be effective immediately. Questions? Contact IISE Member and Customer Support, (800) 494-0460, (770) 349-1102.

I'd like to write an article for ISE. What's the process?

Anyone can submit an article for review by the managing editor of ISE. Email a synopsis or outline of your article idea or the completed story for consideration to IISE Managing Editor Keith Albertson.

Feature articles are 2,500 to 4,000 words in length and should focus on industrial engineering issues, problems, and solutions, as well as recent developments and research that have a significant impact on the practice of industrial and systems engineering. Articles based on experience, those that take a 'how-to' tone, and those that provide thoughtful analysis of the state of technology are favored.

For additional details, refer to the author guidelines.

Where do I send a letter to the editor for possible inclusion in the magazine?

Email letters to IISE Managing Editor Keith Albertson or by mail to Keith Albertson, ISE, 3577 Parkway Lane, Suite 200, Norcross, GA 30092. All correspondence to the editor will be considered for publication in the magazine. Letters from anonymous authors will not be considered for publication, but the editor will consider requests to include a letter with the author's name withheld. Letter writers must include their city and state of residence or employment. (Place of employment and title are optional.) Please limit letters to 300 words.

Do I need permission to use articles from the magazine?

The content of ISE (formerly Industrial Engineer) is copyrighted by the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers. For copyright permissions, contact the Copyright Clearance Center at For assistance, call toll-free 1-855-239-3415 or email info@copyright.comISE authors: Please contact IISE Managing Editor Keith Albertson.

What's the cost of advertising in ISE?

Click here to go to the online media kit for details. If you have additional questions, contact

I sent a press release to the editor and would like to find out if the information will be used in a future issue. Who do I call?

Because we receive hundreds of press releases each month, it's not possible for the editorial staff to reply to every company that sends a press release. Please do not call to inquire about press releases.