Requirements of University Chapters

Chapter health designations

  • Gold = chapter has exceeded expectations for outstanding performance.
  • Green = chapter meets minimum administrative and program requirements.
  • Red = does not meet minimum requirements for green status.

Annual Requirements for Green Status

Submit the following required health documents:

  1. CPP (Chapter Progress Performance Report) by April 7, 2025.
  2. U.S. Chapters Only - Submit IRS 990N by April 7, 2025
  3. U.S. Chapters Only - Copy of bank statement through February 28, 2025
  4. Updated Annual Officers Slate (12 month cycle) (Suggested terms: Sept. 1 – Aug. 31 or May 1 – Apr. 30.)
  • The chapter must maintain a membership of at least 10 persons.
  • Chapters must submit an updated Officer Slate annually.
  • Hold at least one chapter activity (meeting, tour, etc.) demonstrated in CPP answers.
  • Send at least one chapter communication demonstrated in CPP answers. (Flyer, e-mails, meeting announcement).

Annual Requirements for Gold Status

Meet all the requirements for Green Health status plus:

  • Hold at least four meetings – in person and/or virtual
  • Student to Professional Conversions: recruit at least two new YP members or make strong efforts toward converting students to professional members.
  • Identify at least two members who have agreed to serve as a chapter leader / officer during the next year.
  • Must hold at least one in person chapter event.
  • Submit Excel spreadsheet with contact information for graduating seniors who opt-in to receive continuing communication from IISE after graduation. Please include their name, new email address and the company, city, state to where they are locating after graduation.
  • A chapter officer attended at least one virtual or in person Chapter Meeting conducted by IISE HQ.

Chapters Dues Rebates

Your chapter receives 13 percent of dues for every member who joins or renews during the period covered.

  • Checks are issued once a year in September for the period of September 1 - August 31.
  • Only Green and Gold chapters are eligible to receive dues checks.
  • Checks must be deposited within 60 days and will not be reissued after that time period.

Red Chapters

Chapters are red when they have not met the minimum annual requirements. If your chapter is Red for 2 cycles in a row, it is then considered inactive. If it is Red for 3 cycles or more, your chapter will be contacted about disbanding.If you have any questions about the status of your chapter or the requirements, or if you are interested in helping to reactivate your local chapter, please contact your region vice president.