ISE & IM Magazine References

March 2022 (Volume 54, No. 3)

Ergonomic engineering solutions for airport baggage handling
By Ben Zavitz and Ming-Lun Lu

Bern SH, Brauer C, Møller KL, et al. Baggage handler seniority and musculoskeletal symptoms: is heavy lifting in awkward positions associated with the risk of pain?. BMJ Open 2013;3:e004055. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2013- 004055.

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Lu M, Dufour JS., Weston EB., Marras WS (2018). Effectiveness of a vacuum lifting system in reducing spinal load during airline baggage handling. Applied Ergonomics, 70, 247-252.

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April 2022 (Volume 54, No. 4)

The genealogy of Quality 4.0
By Jiju Antony, Shreeranga Bhat, Raja Jayaraman, Michael Sony and Ronald Snee

Antony, J. (2020), “Quality 4.0: Taking quality to its next level”, ISE Magazine, Vol. 52 No. 6, pp. 46-47. Antony, J., McDermott, O. and Sony, M. (2021), "Quality 4.0 conceptualisation and theoretical understanding: a global exploratory qualitative study", The TQM Journal (accepted for publication),

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Hyun Park, S., Seon Shin W., Hyun Park, Y., and Lee, Y., "Building a new culture for quality management in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution," Total Quality Management and Bussiness Excellence, Vol. 28 No. 9–10, pp. 934–945.

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Watson, Greg (2019), "The Ascent of Quality 4.0," Quality Progress., Vol. 52 No. 3, pp. 24–30.

May 2022 (Volume 54, No. 5)

“Supply chain myths – and why Lean was not the culprit” By Bublu Thakur-Weigold

Torbjörn Netland, “Just-in-time and the Covid pandemic”, Planet Lean, January 21, 2021, accessible at

Yossi Sheffi, “Pandemic Shortages Haven’t Shattered the Case for ‘Just-in-Time’ SupplyChains: Lean-inventory principles have come under fire during ongoing supply-chain strains, but the discipline, collaboration and agility behind the JIT strategy may be just what businesses need,” The Wall Street Journal, Jan. 20, 2022.

Yossi Sheffi, “The New (Ab) Normal: Reshaping Business and Supply Chain Strategy Beyond Covid-19.” MIT CTL Media, 2020.

“Global supply chains are still a source of strength, not weakness: Resilience comes not from autarky but from diverse sources of supply,” The Economist, April 3, 2021

Richard Baldwin and Rebecca Freeman, “Trade Conflict in the Age of Covid-19,” Vox CEPR Policy Portal, May 22, 2020, accessible at

Sebastien Miroudot, “Resilience versus robustness in global value chains: some policy implications,” ox CEPR Policy Portal, June 18, 2020, accessible at Åhlström, P., Danese, P., Hines, P., Netland, T.H., Powell, D., Shah, R., Thürer, M. and van Dun, D.H., 2021. “Is lean a theory? Viewpoints and outlook.” International Journal of Operations & Production Management.

June 2022 (Volume 54, No. 6)

Human-computer interface, deep learning and explainable AI
Chang S.Nam, et al

Acharya, J. N., Hani, A. J., Cheek, J., Thirumala, P., & Tsuchida, T. N. (2016). American clinical neurophysiology society guideline 2: guidelines for standard electrode position nomenclature. Neurodiagnostic Journal, 56(4), 245-252.

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A systems perspective on diverse teams
Paul Stanfield

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July 2022 (Volume 54, No. 7)

The automotive semiconductor crisis and the way forward
Arnab Banerjee and John Moore (Accessed on 8/12/21)

David Simchi-Levi, 2020, Building Resilient Supply Chains Won’t Be Easy

Best practice of Lean construction tools in maintenance building projects
Mohsin Al Taie

Salem O, Solomon J, Genaidy A, Luegring M. Site implementation and assessment of lean construction techniques. Lean Constr J. 2005;2(2):1-21.

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Koskela L, Howell G. The theory of project management: Explanation to novel methods. Proc 10th Annu Conf Lean Constr. Published online 2002:1-11.

August 2022 (Volume 54, No. 8)

Using the right digital technologies for supply chain visibility
By Stephan M. Wagner and Christian Postel

Barratt, M., Oke, A. (2007). Antecedents of supply chain visibility in retail supply chains: A resource- based theory perspective. Journal of Operations Management, 25(6), 1217-1233.

Busse, C., Regelmann, A., Chithambaram, H., Wagner, S.M. (2017). Managerial perceptions of energy in logistics. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 47 6), 447-471.

Schmidt, C.G., Klöckner, M., Wagner, S.M. (2021). Blockchain for supply chain traceability: Case examples for luxury goods, In: Voigt, K.-I., Müller, J. (eds.): Digital Business Models in Industrial Ecosystems: Lessons Learned From Industry 4.0 Across Europe, Cham: Springer, 187-197.

September 2022 (Volume 54, No. 9)

The future of leadership education
By Michael J. Provitera and Mostafa Sayyadi
Burns, J. M. (1978). Leadership. Harper & Row.

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Connaughton, S. L., Lawrence, F. L., & Ruben, B. D. (2003). Leadership development as a systematic and multidisciplinary enterprise. Journal of Education for Business, 79(1), 46-51.

October 2022 (Volume 54, No. 10)

ISE October 2022 references

How to ease ergonomic strains during robot-assisted surgeries
By Michael Saujani

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Franasiak J, Ko EM, Kidd J, Secord AA, Bell M, Boggess JF, Gehrig PA. Physical strain and urgent need for ergonomic training among gynecologic oncologists who perform minimally invasive surgery. Gynecol Oncol. 2012 Sep;126(3):437-42. doi: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2012.05.016. Epub 2012 May 18. PMID: 22613351.

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Hislop, J., Hensman, C., Isaksson, M., Tirosh, O. & McCormick, J. (2020). Self-reported prevalence of injury and discomfort experienced by surgeons performing traditional and robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery: A meta-analysis demonstrating the value of RALS for surgeons. Surgical Endoscopy, 34: 4741- 4753.

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Digital supply chain 4.0: The competitive advantage for enterprises By Ilhaam Omar, Raja Jayaraman, Jiju Antony, Khaled Salah, Guilherme Tortorella, Michael Sony and Mohammed Omar

Ageron, B., Bentahar, O., Gunasekaran, A., 2020. Digital supply chain: challenges and future directions, in: Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, Taylor & Francis. pp. 133–138.

Alkahtani, M., Abidi, M.H., 2019. Supply chain 4.0: A shift in paradigm, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Pilsen, Czech Republic, pp. 23-26.

Bentaher, C., Rajaa, M., 2022. Supply chain management 4.0: A literature review and research framework. European Journal of Business and Management Research 7, 117–127.

Büyüközkan, G., Göçer, F., 2018. Digital supply chain: literature review and a proposed framework for future research. Computers in Industry 97, 157–177.

Nasiri, M., Ukko, J., Saunila, M., Rantala, T., 2020. Managing the digital supply chain: The role of smart technologies. Technovation 96, 102121.

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Dinçsoy, M.O. (2020). Sustainable Development and Industry Revolutions. In: Çalıyurt, K. (eds) New Approaches to CSR, Sustainability and Accountability, Volume I. Accounting, Finance, Sustainability, Governance & Fraud: Theory and Application. Springer, Singapore.

Groumpos, Peter P. "A Critical Historical and Scientific Overview of all Industrial Revolutions." IFAC- PapersOnLine 54.13 (2021): 464-471.

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Industrial Management references September-October 2022

The essential leader By Susan O. Schall

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Lencioni, Patrick. The Ideal Team Player: How to Recognize and Cultivate the Three Essential Virtues. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2016.

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Lencioni, Patrick, The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else in Business. Jossey-Bass, 2012.

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Morgan, Kate. “The Great Resignation: How employers drove workers to quit and The Great Resignation and the Future of the Workplace.” Entrepreneur.

Parikh, Anil, Susan Schall, and Ron Snee, “Creative Thinking: Devising a Six Sigma Deployment When Top Management Is Not Initially on Board,” Six Sigma Forum Magazine, August 2014.

Reinicke, Carmen. “The Great Resignation is likely to continue, as 55% of Americans anticipate looking for a new job,” CNBC, August 25, 2021.

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Straw, Julie, Mark Scullard, Susie Kukkonnen, and Barry Davis The Work of Leaders: How Vision, Alignment and Execution Will Change the Way You Lead. San Francisco, Ca: John Wiley & Sons, 2013.

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November 2022 (Volume 54, No. 11)

ISE November 2022 references

Lean lends a helping hand in developing countries
By Andrew Parris


“Spreading Hope by Creating Wealth,” LeanFrontiers blog,

“Self-Creating Capital with help from Lean and the Free Market,” LeanFrontiers blog,

The Routledge Companion to Lean Management, edited By Torbjorn H. Netland, Daryl J. Powell, 2017

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“Making Work and the World a Better Place,” Andrew Parris, April 2019 ISE Magazine article,

“The Seven Habits of Process Improvement,” Andrew Parris, ASQ Lean & Six Sigma Review, scheduled May 2023

The Lean Turnaround, Art Smalley, McGraw Hill, 2013

“What Christian Leaders Can Learn from Lean,” Andrew Parris and Dr. Don Pope, Christian Business Review, 2020

2 Second Lean, Paul Akers, FastCap Press, 2014

Sustainable development in engineering education in Puerto Rico
By Circe E. Niezen and Alba J. Brugueras-Fabreeferences

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February 2023 (Volume 55, No. 2)

ISE February 2023 references

Another step forward for climate action
By Nabil Nasr
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Leading change in healthcare By Jeff Bean, Shay Bergmann, Jann Gao, Bethlyn Gerard, Wyatt Hockmeyer, Adam McKillop, Matt Vogl and Colin West

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Bannow, T., & Christ, G. (2021). A matter of supply and demand: Healthcare providers face high costs, demand for agency staff as COVID-19 rages. Modern Healthcare, 51(4), 14.

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Determining the causes of surgical teams’ burnout
By Viola Goodacre, Elizabeth Kwong, Chao Chin Liu, Karthik Adapa and Lukasz Mazur

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Industrial Management January-February 2023

Six Visual Models for System Thinking
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March 2023 (Volume 55, No. 3)

ISE March 2023 references

The role of ergonomics in business resilience
By Anuja Patil and Favio Corral

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Just-in-time workplace training through mixed reality technology
By Karen B. Chen, Gimantha Perera and Ken Chen

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Smart thinking = smart factory layout = smart factory
By Shahrukh Irani

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April 2023 (Volume 55, No. 4)

ISE April 2023 references

Reflections on sustainability education in engineering
By Andrea Sosa-Luviano, Ricardo Thierry-Aguilera, Ernesto Pacheco-Velazquez and Roberto Palacios-Rodriguez

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May 2023 (Volume 55, No. 5)

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Sustainable manufacturing strategies
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June 2023 (Volume 55, No. 6)

June 2023 references

Industrial Management May-June

The art of supplier negotiations in today’s complex digital age
By Saraj Gupta

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A New Way to Buy -

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Top 12 Use Cases of RPA in Procurement Process in 2023 -

The intersection of smart AI Bots and Robotic Process Automation -

How Walmart Automated Supplier Negotiations -

ChatGPT in Procurement – Revolutionizing the Norm -

September 2023 (Volume 55, No. 9)

Relaunching Lean Six Sigma and the use of action research
By Tres Bishop

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How IE can exploit advances in systems engineeering, AI
By Azad M. Madni and Soundar Kumara

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October 2023 (Volume 55, No. 10)

Tackling crime as a systems problem: Opportunities and challenges
By Ibrahim Raji and Ali E. Abbas

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By Kevin Lombardo

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November 2023 (Volume 55, No. 11)

Measuring disaster preparation in Puerto Rico
By Yesenia Cruz Cantillo, Carlos González Oquendo and Cristian Solano Payares

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Driverless (but not human-less) vehicle systems
By Leah Kaplan, Zoe Szajnfarber and John Paul Helveston

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January 2024 (Volume 56, No. 1)

What managers need to know about quiet quitting
By Min Choi, Jungmin (Jamie) Seo and Ellen Eun Kyoo Kim

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February 2024 (Volume 56, No. 2)

ISE February 2024 references

Monitoring COVID-19 in Peru
By Jacob Unterbrink, Charles Nicholson, Talayeh Razzaghi, Andrés D. González, Yuber Velazco-Paredes and Brayan Alexander Lipe Huamani

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IM February 2024 references

Continuous improvement for continuous success
By Andy Duong and Brian Kleiner

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April 2024 (Volume 56, No. 4)

ISE April 2024 references

 Augmented reality: Applying drone technology to improve project work

By Mohsin Al Taie and Diana J. Schwerha

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 Shakil Ahmed, 2018, A Review on Using Opportunities of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Construction Project Management, Organization, Technology and Management in Construction 2019; 11: 1839–1852.

 Ajang Behzadi, 2016, Using Augmented and Virtual Reality Technology in the Construction Industry, American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) e-ISSN: 2320-0847 p-ISSN: 2320-0936 Volume-5, Issue-12, pp-350-353.

Juan Manuel Davila Delgado, Lukumon Oyedele, Thomas Beachn, Peter Demian, 2018, Augmented and Virtual Reality in Construction: drivers and limitations for industry adoption.

Sara Rankohi, Lloyd Waugh, 2013, Review and analysis of augmented reality literature for construction industry, Rankohi and Waugh Visualization in Engineering 2013, 1:9.

Alex Heinzel, Salman Azhar, Abid Nadeem, 2017, Uses of Augmented Reality Technology during Construction Phase, The Ninth International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITC-9) “Revolutionizing the Architecture, Engineering and Construction Industry through Leadership, Collaboration and Technology” Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Dr. Poorang Piroozfar, Mr. Amer Essa, Mr. Simon Boseley, Dr. Eric R. P. Farr, Dr. Ruoyu Jin, 2018, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in construction industry: An experiential development workflow, The Tenth International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITC-10), Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Elena Ciampa, Luca De Vito, Maria Rosaria Pecce, 2019, Practical issues on the use of drones for construction inspections, Journal of Physics: Conference Series PAPER Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1249, XXVI AIVELA National.

Naveed Anwar, Muhammad Amir Izhar, Fawad Ahmed Najam, 2018, Construction Monitoring and Reporting using Drones and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), The Tenth International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITC-10), Colombo, Sri Lanka.

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Andrew Lin, 2018, Use of Drone Technology on Commercial Construction Projects.

Industrial and systems engineering, the home of coordination expertise

By Richard J. Schonberger

Bicheno, J. and M. Holweg. 2023. “How to Calculate the Sigma Level of a Process,” in The Lean Toolbox: A Sourcebook for Process Improvement, 6th ed. (Buckingham England: PICSIE Books), pp. 109-110.

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May 2024 (Volume 56, No. 5)

ISE May references

Design for the human factors of the pharmacy workplace
By Bahar Memarian

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Carayon, P., Kianfar, S., Li, Y., Xie, A., Alyousef, B., & Wooldridge, A. (2015). A systematic review of mixed methods research on human factors and ergonomics in health care. Applied Ergonomics, 51, 291–321.

Carayon, P., Wetterneck, T. B., Rivera-Rodriguez, A. J., Hundt, A. S., Hoonakker, P., Holden, R., & Gurses, A. P. (2014). Human factors systems approach to healthcare quality and patient safety. Applied Ergonomics, 45(1), 14–25.

Dumas, J. S., & Redish, J. (1999). A practical guide to usability testing. Intellect books.

Durán, J. M., & Jongsma, K. R. (2021). Who is afraid of black box algorithms? On the epistemological and ethical basis of trust in medical AI. Journal of Medical Ethics, 47(5), 329–335.

Dym, C., Agogino, A., Eris, O., Frey, D., & Leifer, L. (2005). Engineering design thinking, teaching, and learning. Journal of Engineering Education, 94(1), 103–120.

Flin, R., Winter, J., Sarac, C., & Raduma, M. (2009). Human factors in patient safety: review of topics and tools. World Health, 2(10).

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Keebler, J. R., Rosen, M. A., Sittig, D. F., Thomas, E., & Salas, E. (2022). Human factors and ergonomics in healthcare: Industry demands and a path forward. Human Factors, 64(1), 250–258.

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July 2024 (Volume 56, No. 7)

July ISE references

What do we measure? Aligning organizational values and KPIs
By Emily Kertcher, Oliver Sherren and Lukasz Mazur,be%20responsible%20for%20the%20spill

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Mary R. Price and Teresa Williams, “When Doing Wrong Feels So Right: Normalization of Deviance. Journal of Patient Safety,” 2015,

Paul Barnett, “Measuring The Wrong Thing Matters,” Reuters, January 2015,


August 2024 (Volume 56, No. 8)

ISE August 2024 references

Securing democracy: Threat mitigations for the mail voting process
By Vanessa Gregorio, Natalie M. Scala and Josh Dehlinger

Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency. (n.d.a) Election Security Rumor vs. Reality.

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Haseltine, C., Wang, S., & Albert, L. A. (2022). Dynamic cyber-physical system security planning using attack graphs. Proceedings of the 2022 IISE Annual Conference.

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Riley, J., Gregorio, V., Scala, N.M. & Dehlinger, J. (2023, October). Voting Perceptions and the Impact of Misinformation. Proceedings of the NATO 17th Operations Research and Analysis Conference.

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Scala, N. M., Goethals, P. L., Dehlinger, J., Mezgebe, Y., Jilcha, B., & Bloomquist, I. (2022). Evaluating mail‐based security for electoral processes using attack trees. Risk Analysis, 42(10), 2327-2343.

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A summary of measurement and analysis techniques
By Hakan Butuner

Motion and Time Study: Design and Measurement of Work, by Ralph M. Barnes (1980)

Financial Management: Principles and Applications Study Guide, by Arthur J. Keown, John D. Martin, J. William Petty II and David F. Scott Jr. (2001)

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H.L. Hales and B. Andersen, Systematic Planning of Manufacturing Cells, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 2002.

September 2024 (Volume 56, No. 9)

ISE September 2024 References

Supply chain transformation: Powered by innovation, driven by cloud technology
By Arnab Banerjee

Paul D., Yeates D., Cadle J., Business Analysis, 2nd edition, BCS The Chartered Institute for IT, 2011.

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October 2024 (Volume 56, No. 10)

ISE October 2024 References

Improved customer service from the healthcare and wine industries
By Erika Swartz and Jill Speece

Baer, J. (2016). Hug Your Haters: How to Embrace Complaints and Keep Your Customers. New York : Portfolio.

Barreto, M. (2024, April 8). General Manger, Oso Libre Winery. (E. Swartz, Interviewer)

Beverland, M., & Luxton, S. (2005). Managing Integrated Marketing Communication (Imc) Through Strategic Decoupling: How Luxury Wine Firms Retain Brand Leadership While Appearing to Be Wedded to the Past. Journal of Advertising, 34(4), 103-116. doi:10.1080/00913367.2005.10639207

Bierwirth, A. (2024, March 17). Wine Club/Tasting Room Manager, Lone Madrone Winery. (E. Swartz, Interviewer)

Bouranta, N. (2009). The relationship between internal and external service quality. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 21(3), 275-293. doi:10.1108/09596110910948297

Brad. (2024, April 9). Tasting Room Manager, Opolo Vineyards . (E. Swartz, Interviewer) Carmignani, G., Cimino, M. G., & Failli, F. (2014). Process Modeling and Problem Solving: Connecting Two Worlds by BPMN. International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering, 8(8), 1377-1385.

Cockerell, L. (2013). The Customer Rules: The 39 Essential Rules for Delivering Sensational Service. New York: Crown Currency.

Cook, D. P., Goh, C.-H., & Chung, C. H. (2009). Service Typologies: A State of the Art Survey. Production and Operations Management, 8(3), 318-338. doi:10111/j.1937-5956.1999.tb00311.x

Costopoulou, C., Ntaliani, M., & Ntalianis, F. (2019). An Analysis of Social Media Usage in Winery Businesses. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 4(4), 380-387. doi:10.25046/aj040446

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Glunz, M. (2024, January 12). Owner, Glunz Family Winery. (E. Swartz, & J. Speece, Interviewers)

Haller, C., Amabile, S., Meissonier, R., & Boudrandi, S. (2013). Business Intelligence and Absorptive Capacity of Information by Wineries in the Provence Wine Industry. International Business Research, 6(2), 126-136. doi:10.5539/ibr.v6n2p126

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Hevert, D. (2024, April 12). Owner, Vinyl Vineyards. (E. Swartz, Interviewer)

Hoover, L. (2024, April 25). Tasting Room Manager, La Perdignus Wine. (E. Swartz, Interviewer)

Humphreys, A., & Carpenter, G. S. (2018). Status Games: Market Driving Through Social Influence in the U.S. Wine Industry. Journal of Marketing, 82(5), 141-159. doi:ber 2018), 141–159

Jacob. (2024, May 3). Tasting Room Manager, Chamisal Vineyards. (E. Swartz, Interviewer)

Janie. (2024, March 14). Desparada Winery. (E. Swartz, Interviewer)

Janie. (2024, March 14). Herman Story Wines. (E. Swartz, Interviewer)

Johnson, T., & Bruwer, J. (2004). Generic Consumer Risk-Reduction Strategies (RRS) in Wine-Related Lifestyle Segments of the Australian Wine Market. International Journal of Wine Marketing, 16(1), 5-35. doi:10.1108/eb008764

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Katherine. (2024, March 28). Owner, Ella's Vineyard. (E. Swartz, Interviewer)

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Lewis, K. (2024, March 25). Director of Sales, Aaron Wines. (E. Swartz, Interviewer)

Malkie, R. (2024, March 25). Estate Director, Clos Solène Winery. (E. Swartz, Interviewer)

Mark. (2024, April 16). Wine Club and Office Manager, Linne Calodo. (E. Swartz, Interviewer)

McKay, T. (2024, April 16). Director of DTC Operations, Adelaida Vineyards. (E. Swartz, Interviewer)

McNulty, M. (2024, April 25). Hospitality Manager, Talley Vineyards. (E. Swartz, Interviewer)

Mike. (2024, April 25). Tasting Room Manager, El Lugar Wines . (E. Swartz, Interviewer)

Morris, J. (2024, April 19). Tasting Room Manager, Tablas Creek Vineyards. (E. Swartz, Interviewer)

Mott, M. (2024, March 29). Wine Club Manager, Calcareous Vineyard. (E. Swartz, Interviewer)

Mutillo, A. (2024, April 9). Tasting Cellar Manager, Hope Family Wines. (E. Swartz, Interviewer)

Nakazono-Klapper, C. (2024, April 17). Owner, Timbre Winery. (E. Swartz, Interviewer)

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Park, M. (2024, April 23). Hospitality Manager, Booker Vineyards. (E. Swartz, Interviewer)

Prust, S. (2024, April 18). Tasting Room Manager, Nicora Winery. (E. Swartz, Interviewer)

Reynolds, I. (2024, March 20). Membership Manager, Alta Colina Vineyard & Winery . (E. Swartz, Interviewer)

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Schmitt, V. (2024, April 15). Owner, Volatus Wine. (E. Swartz, Interviewer)

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November 2024 (Volume 56, No. 11)

ISE November 2024 References

Executing and managing a supply chain transformation
By Arnab Banerjee

Paul D., Yeates D., Cadle J., Business Analysis, 2nd edition, BCS The Chartered Institute for IT, 2011.

Odeh, G., 2021, Implementing Mckinsey 7S Model of Organizational Diagnosis and Planned Change, Best Western Italy Case Analysis, 11(4), pp 01-08, Journal of International Business and Management.

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December 2024 (Volume 56, No. 12)

ISE December 2024 References

Zeroing in on operational improvement techniques
By Hakan Butuner

Results-Based Systematic Operational Improvement, Hakan Butuner, 2017,

Systematic Layout Planning, Richard Muther, 1974,

Systematic Handling Analysis, Richard Muther and Knut Haganas, 1969,

Strategic Continuous Process Improvement, Gerhard Plenert, 2011,

Planning Manufacturing Cells, H. Lee Hales, Bruce Andersen and William E. Fillmore, 2002,

Group Technology, Inyong Ham, et al, 2013,

Balancing and Sequencing of Assembly Lines, Armin Scholl, 1999,

Toyota Production System: An Integrated Approach to Just-In-Time, Yasuhiro Monden, 2011,

Quick Changeover for Operators: The SMED System (Shopfloor), Shigeo Shingo, 1996,

Zero Quality Control: Source Inspection and the Poka-Yoke System, Shigeo Shingo, 1986,

The Toyota Way, Jeffrey K. Liker, 2004,