Quality Control & Reliability Engineering (QCRE)
About the Division
Members of this division are involved in quality management, quality measurement and assurance, quality control analysis, inspection criteria and reliability/maintainability of products or services.
Our Vison
To be the premier professional organization for individuals engaged in quality control and reliability engineering (QCRE) in both academia and industry by increasing networking and partnership among its members,
and providing opportunities to foster, recognize and share innovations at the forefront of QCRE.
Our Mission
The QCRE division is primarily interested in the theory, methodology, and practice in all technical areas that develop or apply QCRE, and brings together members from academia and industry who share a common interest in topics related to research and practice of QCRE.
Our division is comprised of >3,000 members, 61% are students and 39% are professional members from academia and industry.
Review the QCRE Bylaws
The Quality Control and Reliability Engineering (QCRE) leadership consists of a President, President-Elect, Past-President and 6 Directors. The directors serve a 2-year term.
The President serves a 3-year term, 1 year as President-Elect, 1 year as President, and 1 year as Past-President. 2 Student Leader Board members may be appointed to the board for 1 -2 year terms.
Click here to view the current board members.
Honors and Awards
The Quality Control and Reliability Engineering Division has 5 competitions and awards. The Best Track Paper Competition, the Best Student Paper Competition, the Data Challenge Competition,
the Teaching Award and the William A.J. Golomksi award.
Learn More about Each Award
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