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Industrial engineering forefathers Frederick W. Taylor
and Frank and Lillian Gilbreth pioneered the study of
mass production methods. They took their engineering
roots and formed a new discipline to deal with the rising
consumer demands for goods and services at economical
prices. They lived in the transitional time when “hand-
made” goods could no longer keep pace with the growing
consumer appetites for goods and services.
It was their out-of-the-box thinking that help create a
structured discipline to deal with the undisciplined issues
they needed to solve. Through the years, tools and techniques
would evolve that would help analyze the activities of people
and processes and realign resources to complete business pro-
cesses more efficiently. These approaches served as the beacon
of change as business evolved during the industrial revolution.
Now that we have achieved this success, what is next? Will
the industrial engineering discipline lead the way into the
computer revolution or will it sit by and watch another dis-
cipline lead the way? ISEs are equipped to be that beacon of
change, but to complete this the role will require they evolve
their perspective and take leadership positions.
A market shift is underway
The shift in the way goods are sold puts a strain on the tradi-
tional views of how to transact business. As the digital com-
merce stream continues to explode, traditional brick-and-
mortar retail is struggling to find its way in the new world
(see Figure 1). Recognizing this burgeoning trend does not
require one to throw out all of our traditional thinking; it
merely requires that the application of these approaches evolve
to meet the new conditions.
Gartner, a leading technology research firm, defines digital
commerce as “the buying and selling of goods and services using
the internet, mobile networks and commerce infrastructure. ...
Digital commerce goes beyond simple online transactions.” In
digesting the magnitude of the processes encompassed by this
process, we begin to appreciate that solving the new issues is
not isolated on a single discipline but requires a cross-discipline
understanding and ability to solve complex issues.
Unlike the physical needs to streamline people-based pro-
cesses, the new commerce requires the need to solve less tan-
gible business processes. Fundamental skills must be applied to
cross-functional inefficiencies that require structured, business
process solutions. Of all of the engineering disciplines, indus-
trial engineers are the best suited to solve their issues.
An engineering discipline shift
Over the last decade, industrial engineering has shifted its fo-
cus to system engineers. They have created an interdisciplinary
field of engineering and engineering management that focuses
Holistic approach needed to
meet digital commerce needs
Supply chains must blend engineering, business principles to meet emerging challenges
By M. Scott Moon
May 2020 | ISE Magazine 41
on how to design and manage complex systems
over their life cycles. As such, they have set up the
study of work processes, optimization methods
and risk management tools. Systems engineering
deals with work-processes, optimization methods
and risk management tools in complex projects.
What this fails to do is put the solutions being
developed in the context of business processes,
nancial conditions and overall business strat-
egy. Traditional solutions that focus on silo-based
optimization must be changed to include holis-
tic business problem-solving to ensure the right
issues are being optimized. By not understand-
ing the operation of the entire business, problem-
solvers are left to their understanding of the is-
sue they will address and fail to understand the
greater business context.
Today’s systems engineering fails to provide an
overall understanding of business, how it works
and the impact of the process to the bottom line. A failure to
give graduates this holistic understanding leaves them unable to
address the underlying business issues. Educating graduates by
relying on engineering techniques and approaches leaves prob-
lem-solvers without the tools they need to add optimal value.
Solving the problems of tomorrow will require optimiza-
tion analytics, financial acumen and an overall understand-
ing of the business operation that emulates a combination of
engineering and business. These two disciplines must work
together to deliver a consolidated degree of business architects.
In this union, associates would be able knowledgeable archi-
tects able to construct customized solutions to complex busi-
ness problems.
New grads need the following critical skills:
Business process. The typical issues that businesses must
manage to compete in a digital commerce world. They
need root cause analysis to find the real issue versus the
symptom being proposed.
Overall business understanding. An overview of the
different functions within the business, how they operate,
the major issues they address and how the optimal business
should work to streamline the business. Without knowing
how the business works, it is hard to determine the driver of
the symptom raising concern.
Statistical modelling. The value of statistical analytics
in finding underlying trends of the business and the differ-
ent processes that can benefit from these approaches. The
evolving artificial intelligence will rely on developing an
understanding of critical underlying cause/affect relation-
ships that can only come with sound analytics.
Supply chain skills. A detailed understanding of the total
supply chain and the issues that one must address to move
goods efciently and cost-effectively. Concepts like dis-
tributive logistics, customs, cross-border issues and service
level modelling are critical to competing in the high-stakes
Organizational dynamics. Aligning roles, functions and
tasks organizationally is critical to ensure the right skills are
cultivated and rened.
Unless we equip tomorrows leaders with the right toolbox,
they will be unable to evolve business to meet the changing
customer requirements.
Customers are demanding products when they want them,
as they want them, for a low price. The requirements of this
endless aisle constant access will continue to challenge previ-
ous approaches to business. By arming our next round of busi-
ness leaders with the right foundational skills, we can drive
through this change and lead business to new heights.
If we fail to evolve the industrial engineering discipline to
these new needs, another discipline will need to evolve to fill
our gap. Like the early days when Taylor evolved from his me-
chanical engineering roots to become the father of industrial
engineering, the time is now to refocus the current curricu-
lum to generate the next generation business architects. The
sustainability of many long-standing businesses will rest on
our ability to create business architects to help them navigate
the turbulent waters.
M. Scott Moon is vice president of Digital Commerce and Solution
Modelling for Tompkins International. His background is in inventory
management, demand planning, business process engineering and sup-
ply chain optimization. He has an MBA from the University of Notre
Dame and a bachelors degree in industrial engineering and operations
research BSIEOR from Virginia Tech.
Digital commerce booming
A comparison of revenue by physical stores vs. digital buying since 2007,
including retail giants Amazon and Walmart.