SHS/HIMSS Excellence in Healthcare Management Engineering/Process Improvement Award
The recipient of the Excellence in Healthcare Management Engineering/Process Improvement Award shall be selected jointly by the Boards of Directors of the Society of Health Systems (SHS) and the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS). The award will be presented to one individual annually, however there may be an exception occasionally where the award may given to two individuals, who in the opinion of the joint Boards of Directors, has best demonstrated leadership in implementing significant synergies between the process improvement and information technology professions. These contributions may be of a professional or technical nature, and may include research or development of improved processes (with or without technology), or exemplary contribution to the professional society. The award will be co-presented by SHS and HIMSS during the annual SHS Conference and the HIMSS Award Banquet annually
This award is non-exclusive and each organization may sponsor other awards in addition to this joint award. The award is to be provided by HIMSS with wording consistent each year that has been approved by both SHS and HIMSS.
General Eligibility Criteria:
1. Active member of SHS and HIMSS.
2. Has demonstrated leadership in promoting the management engineering and/or process improvement profession
3. Has advanced the professional level embraced by SHS and HIMSS.
4. Is currently not serving on the Board of Directors for SHS or HIMSS.
Process for Award Nomination and Selection
Call for Nominations:
1.The Award will be publicized using current HIMSS guidelines to members of SHS and HIMSS via email, newsletters, website, etc. All communications will include a link to an online nomination form. Call for nominations will occur in approximately September of each year.
2. The online nomination form will ask the person making the nomination to supply the following information:
a. a completed application form,
b. a brief biographical sketch or current resume,
c. a description of how the nominee meets the Award criteria and has advanced the professional standards embraced by SHS and HIMSS.
3. Nominations will be collected from members until October 31st, 2008.
Nomination Review and Selection Process:
1. All of the nomination materials and information will be distributed electronically (e.g. e-mail) for members of the Award Selection Committee to review.
2. Each of the committee members will review the materials and rank-order each of the candidates. This process will be completed by each of the committee members individually.
3. All of the rankings will then be compiled online and tallied. This will not be a compiled "vote" but is intended to support the facilitated discussion of candidates that will follow. A list of applicants in post-tally rank-order will be posted for the committee members to view. Once all of the committee members review and rank the candidates, a meeting or conference call will be scheduled so the committee can discuss the tally and select the candidate to receive the Award. All Committee members are expected to attend the meeting or conference call and the final selection shall be completed during that meeting or call.
4. Once the committee selects the final candidate for the Award, staff will forward the committee recommendation to the Board officers of both SHS and HIMSS for review and approval.
5. The recipient of the Award will be notified by staff.
6. The award will be announced within each society at the SHS Annual Conference and HIMSS Annual Conference.
Award Selection Committee:
1. The Award Selection Committee shall be comprised of three representatives from SHS and three representatives from HIMSS. Each organization shall select their own representatives using whatever means they deem acceptable. These individuals may, but need not be, current Board/Leadership members from either organization.
2. The leadership of the Committee shall be one member each from SHS and HIMSS, to be determined as each group decides each year.
3. Staff representatives from both SHS and HIMSS will be present on the committee’s conference calls to help facilitate the call for nominations and the application review process.
Application Review and Selection Schedule:
Week of November 3rd
All of the application materials and information will be posted online for members of the Award Selection Committee to review.
Each of the committee members will then read and review the materials and rank-order each of the candidates. This process will be done by each of the committee members individually by the meeting the week of November 17th.
All of the rankings will be compiled and tallied by SHS and HIMSS staff. A list of applicants in post-tally rank-order will be provided for the committee members.
Week of November 17th
A conference call will be scheduled so the committee can discuss the tally and select the candidate to receive the Award. Once the committee selects the final candidate for the Award, staff will forward the committee recommendation to the Board officers of both SHS and HIMSS for review and approval.
December 11-12th
HIMSS Board of Directors Meeting
SHS Board of Directors Meeting
Nomination form