Honing Your FMEA Skills

0.1 CEUs


Failure Mode Effects Analysis Helps Develop Robust Products and Processes

This course will give a detailed understanding of FMEA (Failure Mode Effects Analysis) an important tool in Lean Six Sigma. Practitioners can employ FMEA tool to ensure the development of robust Products and Processes while preventing defects from occurring.

What you will learn:

  • What is FMEA and when to use it.
  • History and types of FMEA
  • A detailed walkthrough in developing Process FMEA
  • Understanding RPN (Risk Priority Number) and its application for developing robust Products and Processes.

Registration Fee

Member: $39 Non-Member: $79


Jasbir-Kumar   Jasbir Kumar
LSSBB, JSK Consulting Services, experienced practitioner, and trainer of Lean and Six Sigma methodologies.