The reliability engineer (RE) sees all aspects of proper plant function, puts equipment first, and makes decisions based on how machines function and their impact on production. Just as a business adviser must balance policy and diplomacy, the RE must be dedicated to preserving asset reliability and managing risk. In this five-day course, you will learn what it means to be a reliability engineer, how to build and sustain a strategic reliability engineering program, and how to gain support from other departments to achieve your facility’s reliability goals.
What You Will Learn:
- Examine the Reliability Engineer role
- Define the essential components of a successful reliability program
- Investigate reliability tools and problem-solving methods
- Practice different problem-solving techniques
- Employ reliability economics, statistics and probabilities for decision making
- Use different reliability models to analyze data for reliability
- Discuss ways to optimize your reliability program
- Cite elements of designing for reliability
- Discuss PM optimization
- Discuss 5 PdM technologies and their application
Course Content
- Introductions and Objectives
- Reliability Excellence
- RE and Interdepartmental Partnerships
- Risk-based Asset Management Strategy Introduction
- Origins of Reliability Engineering
- Reliability Terms
- RE Roles and Responsibilities
- Fundamentals of Risk Management
- Design Principals
- Purchase, Installation and Maintenance Considerations
- Reliability Modeling for Decision Making
- Reliability Program:
- Life Cycle Asset Management - Reliability Components
- Management of Change Process: from Identify to Audit Mitigation Actions
- Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Introduction
- Information Gathering
- Failure Modes, FMEA, RCM Logic Tree
- Three-step RCM Process
- Action Plans
- Total Productive Manufacturing (TPM)
- Five Elements of TPM
- 12 Steps for a TPM Program
- Reliability Metrics (MTBF, MTTR, Availability, etc.)
- RE Economics
- Why Economics?
- Case Flow, Time Valuke of Money, Net Present Value, etc.
- Life Cycle Cost Analysis
- ROI, Payback, Benefit-cost Ratio, Discounted Benefit-cost Ratio
- Net Return, Discounted Net Return, Total Cost of Reliability, Optimum Reliability Cost
- Statistics
- Uses of Statistics
- Pareto Analysis
- Basic Statistical Concepts
- Normal, Exponential, Weibull
- Applying Statistics in Real-life Scenarios
- Root Cause Analysis Exercies
- Failure Reporting and Criticality Analysis System
- PM Optimization Exercise
- PdM Technologies
- PdM Technologies Scenario Exercise
- Parking Lot Discussions
- Action Plan Report-out
- Review and Celebration