IISE Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Division Teaching Award

This award recognizes faculty members of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) for excellence in teaching Modeling & Simulation (M&S) courses. It is presented each year at the IISE Annual Conference.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The candidate must be a member of the IISE and the M&S Division.
  • The M&S course must be an undergraduate or graduate course within an engineering or similar program.
  • The candidate must have been developing and delivering the course for at least three years.

Application Process:

The candidate can be nominated by a faculty or a student who has taken the course from the candidate. The following materials should be provided to support the nomination:

  • Cover letter.
  • Three letters of recommendation, including one from the nominator, at least one from a faculty member, and one from a student
  • Course syllabus and supporting items, such as samples of instructional materials used in teaching the course for which the candidate is being recognized.
  • Summary of at least three sets of teaching evaluations for the course.
  • Curriculum Vitae of the candidate.
  • Teaching statement and philosophy, maximum two pages.

All application documents must be e-mailed as a single PDF file to the IISE M&S Division’s Director of Awards at tarun.gupta@wmich.edu.

Nominations are due by midnight EST on February 9, 2025 The winner will be notified by March 15, 2025.

Evaluation Criteria

The awards committee will consider the following criteria in selecting the award recipient.

  • Course Design – structure, delivery, relevance, currency of the topics and applications, and means of assessment
  • Innovation – means to improve the teaching of M&S principles and practices
  • Applied Learning – development and use of materials that demonstrate the power of M&S and encourage/empower students to apply M&S
  • Student Satisfaction – feedback on course value and quality
  • Leadership in the profession, including other awards, publications, etc.

Important Dates (Deadlines)

  • Nominations are due February 9, 2025
  • Winners/Finalists will be notified by March 15, 2025


  • First prize winner(s) will receive a certificate with a hardback cover at the M&S townhall meeting at the 2024 Annual Conference.
  • Second and Third prize winners will receive a digital certificate and be recognized at the M&S townhall meeting at the 2024 Annual Conference
  • First, second, and third prize winners will be recognized on the M&S webpage and in the M&S newsletter
  • First, second, and third prize winners will be recognized in ISE magazine.
  • If the award has a sponsor, then a monetary prize may also be presented. If a monetary award is made, the donor will be recognized.

Committee Chairs

Dr. Tarun Gupta
Dr. David Claudio
Dr. Shima Mohebbi

Conflict of Interest Policy

  • Board members of M&S are ineligible for awards during their term of service, with exceptions only for the Best Track Paper and Best Student Paper awards. Submitted papers will undergo a double-blind review process. The Director of Events and Conferences ranks the papers based on reviewer scores, proposes a shortlist for each award category, and verifies the affiliations of shortlisted papers against those of the award committee members. If an institutional conflict arises with any award committee member, the Division President must request that the affected board member(s) recuse themselves from the award process.
  • The awards committee should not include members who have either a personal or professional relationship with the nominees. For example, a faculty member should not be judging a paper competition where a student from the same university is a nominee for the best student paper award.
  • The awards committee should actively change its membership on a rotating basis from year to year to ensure fairness, equity, and diversity. That is, some members of the judging committee should roll off the committee and new members should roll on.

2024 Winners

Dr. Karthyek Murthy & Dr. Nuno Ribeiro
Singapore University of Technology and Design

2023 Winner

Dr. Sara Shashaani
North Carolina State University

Past Winners

Modeling and Simulation Division page