Upcoming Webinars

Most IISE webinars are free one-hour presentations by knowledgeable professionals and experienced volunteers who provide deeper insight into topics and issues involving industrial and systems engineers and ISE-related disciplines.

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IISE will award continuing education units (CEUs) if you attend the entire webinar. Send your request to IISE customer service at cs@iise.org.

IISE members and others qualified to view designated webinars can also review the webinar archive and access past presentations.

Webinar Recordings

Foundational Principles, Concepts, Models for Full Potential Performance 

Presented by Engineering People and Team Performance Excellence
Friday, Feb. 21, 11 a.m. ET

Innovative, different ways to think about how to cause people to come to work 'all-in' versus "I need a job and the money. Might as well be here": The Fundamentals of Personal and Professional Mastery. If you don't go within, you go without. This webinar will review foundation blocks that support your development as an  ISE 'Change Agent'.  It will tee up a multi-week 'training'/course that will be available to help you improve your 'soft-skills'.


Building Meaningful and Participative Employment Environments

Presented by Engineering People and Team Performance Excellence
Speaker: Robert Martichenko
Tuesday, Feb. 25 

Join D. Scott Sink with Robert Martichenko, Board Chair of TrailPath Workplace Solutions and Clint McCrystal Solution Architect for TrailPath to learn more about this innovative approach to Full Potential Performance Workplace Solutions. The focus is to create a workplace where trust has been established, fundamental needs are being met, the environment is participative, and the work is meaningful.  When you do this 'speed of trust' is assured and accelerated benefits realization is a natural outcome.


Adaptive Sampling for Detecting Defects in Multi-stream Functional Data from Manufacturing Systems

Presented by the IISE Manufacturing & Design Division
Speaker: Dr. Chao Wang, Unversity of Iowa
Monday, March 3, 10 a.m. ET

In this talk, an adaptive sampling strategy is proposed for multi-stream functional data monitoring with limited data stream availability. The proposed sampling and monitoring scheme incorporates within- and between-functional stream correlation and balances random and greedy search methods to identify the most informative data streams.


Supply Chain Vulnerabilities and Social Sustainability in Cross-Border Trade

Presented by the IISE Sustainable Development Division
Speakers: Marzieh Khakifirooz, Monterrey Institute of Technology and Michel Fathi, University of North Texas
Friday, March 7, 1 p.m. ET

This seminar explores the role of human porters in cross-border trade and their involvement in unofficial and illicit markets. Despite their significant contributions to regional economies and supply chain operations, porters often become entangled in the complexities of illicit trade. In this seminar, we examine how institutional regulations, supply chain inefficiencies, and enforcement gaps influence porters' participation in unregulated commerce.
