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Most IISE webinars are free one-hour presentations by knowledgeable professionals and experienced volunteers who provide deeper insight into topics and issues involving industrial and systems engineers and ISE-related disciplines.

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Webinar Recordings

Global vs Standard Project Management

Sponsored by Missouri S&T Project Management
Presenter: Joan B. Schuman, Ph.D., PMP
Monday, April 14 - 12 noon ET (11 am CT)

Navigate the challenges of international projects with expert insights into cultural, time zone, legal, tools, and language differences. Join us for a deep dive into the complexities and strategies of managing projects across borders.


Leveraging Contextualized AI for Computation Services in Manufacturing Industrial Internet

Presented by IISE Quality Control & Engineering Reliability (QCRE) &
Data Analytics & Information Systems (DAIS) Divisions
Speaker: Dr. Ran Jin
Monday, April 7, 11 a.m. - 12 noon ET

In this presentation, a few methodologies will be introduced to bridge the gap between the tailored AI models for specific context and one-fits-all large AI models by using recommender systems since 2018.


Data and Decision Science Models for Ultra-Scale Wind Energy Forecasting, Operations, and Maintenance

Presented by IISE Quality Control & Engineering Reliability (QCRE) &
Data Analytics & Information Systems (DAIS) Divisions
Speaker: Dr. Ahmed Aziz Ezzat
Thursday, April 17, 11 a.m. - 12 noon ET

Unlocking the economic and environmental potential of wind energy calls for innovative data science solutions to address emerging challenges in the operation of the next-generation of wind farms. In this talk, I will present our research group’s progress in designing new data science methodologies to model and reduce the uncertainty in wind energy operations.
